Singapore’s Dead Leader Creepily Predicted The Economy’s Demise

VIDEO: Founding Prime Minister of Singapore, Lee Kuan Yew, Explains Why Singapore Lacks Entrepreneurial Spirit

(TR Emeritus) – At a forum organised by the Economic Society of Singapore and the Singapore Management University (SMU) held yesterday (27 Oct), several experts have suggested that Singapore’s golden decade could possibly be over because of the lack of innovation and low productivity growth.

UOB economist Francis Tan said that the current situation is a factor of poor productivity gains and is possibly made worse by unrealistic wage expectations from both graduates and mid-career workers. He added that innovation is needed before wage gains can be had.

However, netizens who have commented on TODAY’s Facebook page have largely criticised the PAP’s growth model.




Among the factors that gave way to unhappiness was the large and sustained import of foreign labour and the lack of support from the government for innovations.


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