Former Finance Official Attempting to Silence Sex Assault Victims: Blogger

Raja Petra Kamaruddin, a prominent Malaysian political blogger, claims that Ahmad Husni Hanadzlah is attempting to silence a slew of sexual assault victims.

In a recent blog post on November 8th, renowned exiled UK-based Malaysian blogger Raja Petra Kamaruddin, or RPK for short, revealed that former Second Minister of Finance, Ahmad Husni Hanadzlah, or Husni for short, has been attempting to buy the silence of women that he had allegedly sexually assaulted in the past.

RPK, who lives in self-imposed exile in Manchester, is a blogger aligned to the ruling Barisan Nasional regime.


Husni, the former Second Minister of Finance, had resigned from the cabinet led by scandal-plagued Prime Minister Najib Razak.

Najib is also currently Finance Minister, and is linked to a number of local and international investigations pertaining to Malaysia’s sovereign wealth fund, 1MDB. Mr. Najib is also facing questions surrounding hundreds of millions of dollars that were discovered in his personal bank account.

RPK did not pull any punches, opting to publish pictures and private phone numbers of the Husni “agents” that he alleges to have been deployed to buy the silence of the women that had been sexually assaulted by Husni himself.

RPK publishes the identities and contact details of anti-Najib Razak operatives on his Malaysia-Today site.

RPK publishes the identities and contact details of anti-Najib Razak operatives on his Malaysia-Today site.

RPK goes as far as calling Husni the Donald Trump of Malaysia, referring to the many sexual assault accusations that have been leveled at the American presidential candidate.

(Malaysia Today) – Husni is panicking and has asked his people to contact all the women he molested to make a deal. Husni is prepared to pay these women a lot of money to buy their silence because he is worried they will sing like a canary and he will end up being called the Trump of Malaysia. His agents have been identified and once they contact the women concerned the victims will be identified as well.

After the article ‘Why Mahathir and his ANC must be totally and mercilessly wiped out’ was published yesterday (READ HERE), Ahmad Husni Hanadzlah panicked and asked his agents to start contacting all those women he had molested to offer them a deal. He is prepared to pay them a lot of money to buy their silence.

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