Why Did This Tragic Car Crash Not Appear on the News?

It is widely believed that news of the incident was suppressed due to the involvement of a Chinese executive. Cambodia has recently aligned itself with Communist China.

A Chinese Executive working at Huawei crashed his car into pedestrians and tuk tuk drivers in the early hours of the morning in Phnom Penh, but any reports of this incident has been scrubbed from Khmer Language News.

Many believe that the Cambodian Government is Censoring the news to appease their benefactor, China.

“He was driving under the influence and he didn’t stop at the scene”

The driver of the vehicle, Kevin Weng, tried to run away from the scene, but the drivers that he hit gave him chase, which ended at the apartment complex Mr. Weng resides at.  Police arrived at the scene moments later and promptly arrested him.

News of this incident spread like wildfire online, but just days later they were all gone.  Many of the Khmer language news sites blamed the lack of reports on technical issues, but it is glaringly obvious that there is a cover up at the highest levels of Cambodian News Organizations.

In Transparency International’s 2015 Corruption Perceptions Index, Cambodia ranked 150th out of 175 worldwide countries and territories

Cambodia is no stranger to corruption, with reports ranging from that of government abuse of funds to resettle Australian refugees to government cover ups of abuse and rape.

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