Free Asia Editorial Staff

  • Religious Leader Outraged By “Jokes” in Pork Burger Ad

    (FMT) – The mufti of (the Malaysian state of) Kelantan has added his voice to a clamour by religious officials for action against the sale of the “P.Ramly” pork burger. He said no one should advertise a product in such a way that a ‘haram’ product might appear to...
  • Tali-gram: How ISIS Sends Texts

    FAM: In-depth analysis of ISIS’ preferred methods of communication in “secure” channels begins with the follow report from SCMP: (SCMP) – For the Islamic State’s top Southeast Asian propagandist Bahrun Naim, the ultra-secure instant messaging app Telegram is a godsend as popular social networks Twitter and Facebook race to weed...
  • Thai Media Blames Myanmar for Muslim Insurgency

    (Original Editorial Published October 19, 2016) (The Nation) – The government and military will have to bear the blame if estranged Muslim community decides to take up arms. One can make a strong argument that the ongoing insurgent violence in Myanmar’s Rakhine State has been in the making for some...
  • Video: Leo Thanks His Buddies Implicated in Massive Scandal

    VIDEO BELOW: Leo Thanks Jho Low and Riza Aziz (2 min 16sec in), implicated (video link) in a Department of Justice Lawsuit Involving Alleged Embezzled Money Used to Produce Leo’s Award Winning “Wolf of Wall Street” Movie. (Yahoo) – A leading anti-corruption organisation is urging Leonardo DiCaprio to return earnings made...
  • Liberal Elite Push for EMERGENCY RULE-era Council

    In a press statement earlier this month, SUARAM, a human rights NGO based in Malaysia, dismissed the idea mooted by several elite members of Malaysian society to form a unity council that will “establish guidelines” for a “national recalibration”. The proposed council is the second incarnation of the first...
  • A Story of Obama, Wolf of Wall Street, and Malaysian Corruption

    FAM investigates the tangled web of corruption that is the Obama Department of Justice and the Malaysian government. See separate coverage on Leonardo di Caprio and the 1MDB Malaysian corruption scandal here. (Reuters) – Malaysia will sign a contract to purchase Littoral Mission Ships from China when Prime Minister Najib Razak...
  • Rich Foreign Pedophiles Are Invading

    (Yibada) – The Action Pour Les Enfants (APLE), an NGO in Cambodia, is investigating the activities of foreign pedophiles in the poor Asian country. It has found that Asian men, including male Chinese, are customers of the thriving virgin trade in Phnom Penh. Pimps initially identify and train very...
  • Singapore’s Dead Leader Creepily Predicted The Economy’s Demise

    (TR Emeritus) – At a forum organised by the Economic Society of Singapore and the Singapore Management University (SMU) held yesterday (27 Oct), several experts have suggested that Singapore’s golden decade could possibly be over because of the lack of innovation and low productivity growth. Commentary: The golden era of...
  • Video: Blogger Jailed for Rant Against Religion, Dead Political Leader

    According to Community Action Network (CAN), a Singapore-based NGO, blogger Amos Yee, who was imprisoned on charges of “wounding religious feelings” of Christians and Muslims in an online YouTube video, has been transferred from maximum security prison to a medium security facility. Yee began serving a 6-week prison term on...

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